I hope you are fine. There’s this restaurant I’ve always wanted to visit a long time ago but due to laziness I didn’t . Well , I finally had a reason to visit the place : a mini hangout called “The polygon” which was organized by Njc works.
The name of this lovely restaurant is called “Food shack”, it is located at No. 32A Ologun Agbaje Street. It was not difficult for the Uber driver to locate at all but it is not that evident that it is located in that compound. I had to properly check every conner, it was then I saw “FOOD SHACK” boldly inscribed on a building at the left hand side of the compound. They share the compound with a furniture company.
My friends and I were given the menu to select from a whole lot of dishes. There prices are really reasonable, it is a budget friendly restaurant and no extravagantly priced foods.
I ordered yam fries which costs #700, chicken #500, Tomato #80, and table water #350.
I really loved how the yam was fried , it tasted really nice and crispy and the tomato tasted divine. Honestly when I was given my food, I had a little doubt if I was going to enjoy the tomatoes but when I tried it , I had no regrets.
My whole order cost #1882.65, if you do your calculations you will notice that the total amount is more than expected:this is because V.A.T was added and also something they call “TIP”was also added. I had a little problem about this because I wasn’t told before hand and the usual thing they call “Tip” is never enforced on any customer to pay ;it is something a customer willingly gives, especially if they loved your customer services.
- The environment is a really eco-friendly.
- The set up in the restaurant is so beautiful.
- The customer service was not excellent “.
- The food tasted really divine, Thumbs up on this aspect.
- They should inform the customers about the so called “TIP”, infact it should be scrapped out.
- Their outside space is really beautiful to take cool pictures.

Thank you for stopping by the blog, hope you loved the review.
Have you ever visited Food Shack before?, if yes, how was your experience like?
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